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The fuss around Organic Cotton Feminine products explained

products explained

Organic cotton feminine products have become something of a trend in recent years as we learn more about traditional feminine products and the harmful chemicals they contain. Additionally, organic cotton products are not only better for your health but also better for the environment as well.

In this blog, we’re going to explore how going green and organic, when it comes to your everyday sanitary products, can help you not only feel better when you need it the most but also help in making a positive impact on the world! 

Difference between organic and non-organic products 

Tradition sanitary pads are usually made with cotton that has been grown traditionally or with synthetic rayon. 

In the process of growing cotton in the traditional manner, a lot of insecticides and pesticides are used which are naturally harmful. Rayon is produced from wood pulp and the process of creating rayon would include bleaching the wood pulp which would, in turn, introduce trace amounts of a toxic substance called dioxin. 

Organic cotton feminine products are made with cotton that is grown without the use of pesticides and insecticides. This means they’re free from all the harmful chemicals that come with traditionally made products.

Even though products like organic panty liners are a bit more expensive than traditional products, they are definitely worth the price of knowing that you would not be using products that end up harming you. With organic products, you can have the peace of mind along with comfort that is simply not available when it comes to non-organic products. 

Why Organic Cotton Feminine Products?

As mentioned above, using products like organic panty liners have multiple benefits that lower the environmental impact but also benefit your health and well-being. Over recent years, there have been many brands that have invested a lot of time and resources in creating better health products for women using natural and organic raw materials.

The use of traditional sanitary pads can cause many problems such as dryness, itchiness, or even serious health concerns such as UTI. If that’s not enough to convince you, here are three of the most common reasons why organic panty liners are much better for you in the long-run than non-organic feminine products. 

Go organic for a better you

We hope this blog helped you in understanding why using organic products is not only better for you but for the entire world. By making the right choice, you not only save yourself from various potential health problems but you also give back to the world. 

By using biodegradable and organic sanitary products from Noraa, you can have the peace of mind that you’re taking care of yourself and becoming a better you every day!

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